Statecraft - Pioneer Usage - Representation



From May to December 2019, STATISTA will be testing whether working in the spirit of the Commons is an option today, even within the context of city development. With the aid of ten distinct playing fields, STATISTA will generate artistic prototypes for a civil society built on collective principles.

Temporary usage, in this case, does not lead to gentrification, but to a form of urban renewal that is to the benefit of all. A Statecraft of the future.



Due to their complex forms of organization, bees have been metonyms for social politics ever since antiquity; even Aristotle described them as “state-forming”, political animals. Today, bees are facing a decimated biodiversity, throbbing within a cornucopia of pesticidal infection, globalized parasites and superindustrialised agriculture. Against this backdrop, the Beecoin-project assembles human and non-human actors in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), with the purpose of caring for bees and their environment. Bee colonies armed with sensors can testify to their own tireless and often unseen reproductive labor. Data becomes the foundation for a crypto-economic system (re)distributing resources. And small individual contributions now ripple into larger collective areas of impact. 

BeeCoin is a cooperation between The Hiveeyes Project (Clemens Gruber, Karsten Harazim), KUNSTrePUBLIK (Harry Sachs, Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst), Moabees (Bärbel Rothaar, Elisa Dierson, Katja Marie Voigt) und Nascent (Max Hampshire, Paul Seidler).
The DAO was collaboratively developed by The Hiveeyes Project, Nascent and KUNSTrePUBLIK.
The "Sensing Bees" Workhsops are conducted by Moabees.


An experimental framework allows Labor K3000 to pursue solutions for revitalizing the HdS House A façade, allowing for a plurality of usages, from the perspective of multiple species, beyond humans alone. Animals as spatial producers and urban actors are the topic of Labor K3000’s conversations with experts in nature conservation, biology, architecture, construction, and urban development, featuring in a documentary film due to premiere in autumn 2019.
The project title is a reference to Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous house, Fallingwater, which, while designed to make the most of its dramatic natural setting, actually preferred to ignore interspecies relationships.

A project by Labor k3000 (Brian Karp, Leonard Lesch, Peter Spillmann, Kolja Vennewald, Marion von Osten und Franziska Zahl).

Musterhaus of Statistics

A former bumper car facility is designated the “People’s Own Society Motor” (VEGB, in German, plays on the acronym for production companies in the former GDR)—a self-built, self-run, and multifunctional community setting.
The new city and domestic furnishings put the stamp of collective authorship on public space: from the expanded living room to the district workshop, from a retirees’ ballroom to a hip-hop temple, from a marketplace to a skater parcours. 

Regularly at Musterhaus: dance worskshop with Ini Dill (each Thursday 7–9 pm), Joga with Sun Seeker e.V. (16 Sept / 30 Sept, 7–8:15 pm), film evenings, political and neighbourhood discussions. Current information under "Programme".

A project by openBerlin (Johanna Claus, Konrad Braun, Rocco Zühlke) und KUNSTrePUBLIK (Harry Sachs, Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst)


With its rooftop signage ‘ALLESANDERSPLATZ’ (AltogetherDifferent Square), STATISTA voices the HdS demand for a new kind of city setting.
By virtue of the HdS experiment, the ongoing redevelopment of Alexanderplatz is called into question: is the master plan that has been pursued for two decades now truly sustainable? Can an urban space which stands at the very core of future developments be defined merely by the optimal placement of high-rises, without any clear investment in diversity or inclusivity?
The HdS is where the master plan for Alexanderplatz is defined anew. How to send signals that help consolidate the neighborhood community? Which parameters must an „Allesandersplatz“ embody for today’s utopias to become tomorrow’s realities?

A project by KUNSTrePUBLIK (Harry Sachs, Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst)

Voices.Stimmen – first recording

raumlaborberlin launched the Statistics Choir under the direction of Bernadette La Hengst.
It welcomes anyone in the neighborhood (or further flung parts of Berlin) who likes to sing. The choir is an artistic medium that literally gives voice to the processes of change underway at the HdS and, at the same time, offers a novel way to address urban issues such as rent raises and tenant displacement. Work will begin early summer, on a spatial structure that both underscores the fragile relations between the choir and the general public, and counters the raw atmosphere of the HdS construction site with microcosmic spatial situations.

Last rehearsal: Wednesday, 4 Sept, 6–8 pm.
Performances during STATISTA presentation week: 11 & 13 September, 7 pm.

A project by raumlaborberlin (Andrea Hofmann, Frauke Gerstenberg, Markus Bader) and Bernadette La Hengst.

Pigeon Towers

City pigeons have lost their connotation as a symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit in the course of modernity. The commonplace "Ratten der Lüfte" (rats of the air) is more valid than ever, but today it is less about pathogens than about the cityscape: pigeons are considered a flying devaluation. The pigeons of the House of Statistics probably live in Europe's largest pigeon loft. With the reconstruction of the house they are forced to give up their dwelling.
KUNSTrePUBLIK, in cooperation with the animal protection commissioner, builds a prototype monument, a retreat and a site-specific sculpture: a Pigeon Tower at the HdS gives prominent visibility and a functional habitat. It is constructed in such a way that nesting boxes are attached to a flagpole by a chain hoist and can be lowered for feeding in order to be cared for on a long-term basis in cooperation with city pigeon associations.

A project by KUNSTrePUBLIK (Harry Sachs, Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst)


Unser Leben 2020
printed PVC banner
Ever since the 1960s, Walter Womacka has marked Alexanderplatz like no other artist. Womacka authored the Brunnen der Völkerfreundschaft (“Fountain of Friendship”, 1970) and the copper relief Mensch und Raum (“Man and Space”, 1971), as well as Unser Leben (“Our Life”, 1964), a gigantic frieze marking the “House of Teaching” facing the HdS – still the largest artwork in Europe. Unser Leben 2020, by Sandy Kaltenborn (image-shift) & Steffen Schuhmann (, is a reference to Womacka’s GDR frieze: a vision of the future as monumental display. The new rendition is based, however, on a prolonged engagement with the wider HdS network of neighbors, organizers, cultural workers. An attempt at a collective position on neighborhood developments such as the Kollhoff Plan for Alexanderplatz, perhaps the most controversial example of city development in Berlin. The plan is already being sporadically implemented. Can a new city center realistically be based on the sheer logic of property development, urban competition and skyline aesthetics, without any thought for access, content, sustainability and the Common Good?

[Translate to English:]
[Translate to English:]


The STATISTA Presentation Week culminates in an international conference featuring collectives working in a comparable spirit of bottom-up development: Campus in Camps, CATPC (Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise), Chto Delat, ExRotaprint, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, MACAO, Nachbarschaftsakademie Prinzessinnengärten, PlanBude, and ruangrupa. Discussions revolve around long-term prospects for artistic-participatory interventions in public space as well as specific neighbourhoods. How can an initially artistic gesture be transformed into a long-term perspective?


Registration under:
[email protected]



13 SEP, 10–21 Uhr / 10 am–9pm 
Workshops mit / with Campus in Camps, CATPC,  MACAO 

14 SEP, 10–13 Uhr / 10 am–1 pm 
Workshop mit / with Nachbarschaftsakademie Prinzessinnengärten

14 SEP, 14—18 Uhr / 2—6pm 
Präsentationen von / Presentations by Campus in Camps, Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise, ExRotaprint, MACAO
19–21:30 Uhr / 7–9:30 pm
Abendworkshop mit / evening workshop with PlanBude

15 SEP, 10–13 Uhr / 10 am–1 pm
Spaziergang mit  / walking tour with ExRotaprint

15 SEP, 14—18 Uhr / 2—6pm 
Präsentationen von / Presentations by Chto Delat, Nachbarschaftsakademie Prinzessinnengärten, PlanBude,  ruangrupa, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center
Ab 19 Uhr / from 7 pm
Abschlussrunde / concluding session 

16 SEP, 10–21 Uhr  / 10 am–9pm 
Workshops mit /  with Chto Delat, Sakakini Cultural Center,  ruangrupa


Download full conference programme



On view until 6 October at Haus A.
Opening hours: Thursday till Sunday, 1 PM – 7 PM, with a free guided tour at 7 pm.

While the work of a dozen contributors is located across the HdS site, nine more collectives exhibit their materials in the HdS Documentation Room.
Together with the STATISTA conference 13-16 September, this documentation offers a transnational snapshot of collective practices in Palestine, Jakarta, Berlin and beyond. It includes fanzines, manifestos, books, art, relics, footage, merchandise, pralines, press and propaganda. In the spirit of the HdS initiative, materials of the building itself are reused in a functional manner, and onetime office doors are now modular display elements.

A tenth initiative featured here is the HdS itself. The host venue clarifies our common objectives: collectively owned infrastructures allowing for the redistribution of cultural and financial resources.




STATISTA Pressekonferenz

11–13 Uhr, Werkstatt Haus der Statistik


Probe Chor der Statistik

18–20 Uhr


Workshop Sensing Bees

12–15 Uhr, Anmeldung & Info unter [email protected]



16–19 Uhr, Musterhaus der Statistik, Info unter [email protected]

Im Rahmen der Entwicklungen am Haus der Statistik organisieren wir derzeit eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die explizit die Nachbarschaft bis nach Friedrichshain West ansprechen soll und sich mit Ideen und Vorschlägen für ein Musterhaus der Statistik beschäftigen soll.

Wir beabsichtigen mit verschiedenen Akteuren aus der Nachbarschaft eine bereits errichtete überdachte Halle auf dem Hinterhof der Karl Marx Allee 1 in den kommenden Wochen kollektiv zu nutzen.

Dabei wird es um eine gemeinwohl-orientierte Stadtentwicklung, um Genossenschaftsmodelle und Formen gemeinschaftlichen Eigentums und um eine aktive Mitgestaltung des Haus der Statistik gehen.



19–21 Uhr, Musterhaus der Statistik, Info unter [email protected]

Das Tanzkollektiv „die elektroschuhe“ öffnet die Tanzfläche im “Musterhaus der Statistik”. Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen mit uns diesen Ort mit Tanz zu füllen und zusam- men bewegte und bewegende Szenen über Nachbarschaft, den Kiez und seine Veränderung im Laufe der Zeit zu entwickeln.

Erste Tanzwerkstatt: 20.06.2019 um 18:00h
Zweite Tanzwerkstatt: nach dem Auftakttreffen am 26.06.2019 ca. 19h

Ab 1.08. 2019 jeden Donnerstag 18:00h

Im MUSTERHAUS DER STATISTIK auf dem Hof des Hauses der Statistik (Karl-Marx-Allee1, 10178 Berlin)


Workshop Sensing Bees

15–18 Uhr, Info unter [email protected]

Das Künstlerinnen- und Imkerinnen-Kollektiv Moabees bietet einen Besuch bei den Honigbienenvölkern an, die im Haus der Statistik leben und arbeiten. Die in den Völkern installierten Prozessor-Sensoren und unsere körperlichen Seh- und Hörapparate sammeln Informationen über die Entwicklung der Bienenvölker. Mit einer Bienenkamera und der fotochemischen Technik der Cyanotypie (Blaudruck) werden Aufnahmen von der Umgebung der Völker gemacht, Fundstücke aus dem jahrelang brach liegenden Haus und Innenhof gesammelt. Die Bienenkamera ahmt das Facettenauge der Biene nach: Als Belichtungsquelle für die Cyanotypie dient ultraviolettes (Sonnen-)Licht, das die Bienen erkennen können, während es für menschliche Augen normalerweise unsichtbar bleibt.

TeilnehmerInnenzahl begrenzt, Anmeldung erforderlich per Mail an moabees(at) mit dem Betreff „Anmeldung Sensing Bees Workshop 04.7.19”.

Sprache: Deutsch

Treffpunkt: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik


Nachbarschaftstisch im Musterhaus der Statistik

18–20 Uhr, Info unter [email protected]

Im Rahmen der Entwicklungen am Haus der Statistik organisieren wir derzeit eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die explizit die Nachbarschaft bis nach Friedrichshain West ansprechen soll und sich mit Ideen und Vorschlägen für ein Musterhaus der Statistik beschäftigen soll.
Wir beabsichtigen mit verschiedenen Akteuren aus der Nachbarschaft eine bereits errichtete überdachte Halle auf dem Hinterhof der Karl Marx Allee 1 in den kommenden Wochen kollektiv zu nutzen.


Nachbarschaftstisch im Musterhaus der Statistik

18–20 Uhr, Info unter [email protected]

Im Rahmen der Entwicklungen am Haus der Statistik organisieren wir derzeit eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die explizit die Nachbarschaft bis nach Friedrichshain West ansprechen soll und sich mit Ideen und Vorschlägen für ein Musterhaus der Statistik beschäftigen soll.
Wir beabsichtigen mit verschiedenen Akteuren aus der Nachbarschaft eine bereits errichtete überdachte Halle auf dem Hinterhof der Karl Marx Allee 1 in den kommenden Wochen kollektiv zu nutzen.


Workshop Sensing Bees

16.30–19.30 Uhr, Info unter [email protected]

Das Künstlerinnen- und Imkerinnen-Kollektiv Moabees bietet einen Besuch bei den Honigbienenvölkern an, die im Haus der Statistik leben und arbeiten. Die in den Völkern installierten Prozessor-Sensoren und unsere körperlichen Seh- und Hörapparate sammeln Informationen über die Entwicklung der Bienenvölker. Mit einer Bienenkamera und der fotochemischen Technik der Cyanotypie (Blaudruck) werden Aufnahmen von der Umgebung der Völker gemacht, Fundstücke aus dem jahrelang brach liegenden Haus und Innenhof gesammelt. Die Bienenkamera ahmt das Facettenauge der Biene nach: Als Belichtungsquelle für die Cyanotypie dient ultraviolettes (Sonnen-)Licht, das die Bienen erkennen können, während es für menschliche Augen normalerweise unsichtbar bleibt.

TeilnehmerInnenzahl begrenzt, Anmeldung erforderlich per Mail an moabees(at) mit dem Betreff „Anmeldung Sensing Bees Workshop 29.7.19”.

Sprache: Deutsch

Treffpunkt: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik


Dance Workshop with Ini Dill

18–20:00, more information at [email protected]


Yogastunde mit Sun Seeker e.V.

18–19:30, mehr Information unter [email protected]


Dance Workshop with Ini Dill

18:00–20:00, more information at [email protected]


Festival of Contemporary Dance

12:00–22:00, more information at


Burning Man Filmcafé

20:00–22:00, more information at [email protected]


Richtfest fallingwild

18:00–21:00 Uhr, Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, Berlin


Choir of Statistics

18:00–20:00, more information at [email protected]


Dance Workshop with Ini Dill

19:00–21:00, every Thursday in the bumper car, more information at [email protected]


Drama Tisch

18:00–21:00, more information at [email protected]


Workshop Sensing Bees


The artist and beekeeper collective Moabees offers a visit at the beehives who live and work at Haus der Statistik. Sensors and processors which are installed in the hives collect data showing the development and well-being of the bees, along with our human senses of sight, sound and scent. In this workshop we will take photos in the surrounding of the hives, using a bee camera and the photochemical technique of Cyanotype (blue print). The bee camera imitates the composite eye of the bee. Cyanotype uses ultra violet light (sunlight) which the bees can see, whereas it is usually invisible for the human eye. We will also collect and use artefacts of the building and inner courtyard which had been abandoned for many years.

Limited number of participants,
registration at moabees(at)

German / English

Meeting place:
Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin.


Choir of Statistics

18:00–20:00, more information at [email protected]


Dance Workshop in the bumper car

19:00–21:00, more information at [email protected]


Workshop Sensing Bees


The artist and beekeeper collective Moabees offers a visit at the beehives who live and work at Haus der Statistik. Sensors and processors which are installed in the hives collect data showing the development and well-being of the bees, along with our human senses of sight, sound and scent. In this workshop we will take photos in the surrounding of the hives, using a bee camera and the photochemical technique of Cyanotype (blue print). The bee camera imitates the composite eye of the bee. Cyanotype uses ultra violet light (sunlight) which the bees can see, whereas it is usually invisible for the human eye. We will also collect and use artefacts of the building and inner courtyard which had been abandoned for many years.

Limited number of participants,
registration at moabees(at)

German / English

Meeting place:
Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin.


Dance Workshop with Ini Dill

19:00–21:00, every Thursday in the bumper car, more information at [email protected]


Choir of Statistics

Every Wednesday 6–8 pm

Meeting point: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, Berlin

Information under: [email protected]


Dramatic Republic

17:00–22:00, more information under [email protected]



19:00, Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, Berlin.

Entrance to all events is free.

19:00–20:00 performance: Voices.Stimmen – first recording
inaugurating the neighborhood choir, a project by raumlaborberlin, in collaboration with 
Bernadette La Hengst
(Venue: begin at Haus A)
in-depth presentations with participants, visiting experts and STATISTA artistic directors
Language: English & German. Mind diverse locations.
Beecoin, presented by KUNSTrePUBLIK, The Hiveeyes Project, Nascent, Moabees
Proposing a decentralized economic organization, an experiment of governance for the care of bees and their environment.
(Venue: Haus D //  Language: DE)
STATISTA Coin & Musterhaus der Statistik, presented by ECSA & openBerlin
Musterhaus der Statistik, itself an organizational experiment, becomes a platform for a big question: how can new technologies help render governance at Haus der Statistik transparent and accountable?
(Venue: Courtyard //  Language: EN)
Ishtar, presented by Nascent, Penny Rafferty, and guests Simon Denny & Harm van den Dorpel
An in-house critical model for STATISTA, a “passivity oriented” microeconomy, and an attempt to reinvent current models of digital participation.
(Venue: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik //  Language: EN)
ALLESANDERSPLATZ & Unser Leben 2020, presented by image-shift & anschlaege
Introducing two STATISTA playing fields both propagandizing an alternative vision for Alexanderplatz.
(Venue: sidewalk outside Haus A (in case of poor weather: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik  @21:00) //
Language: DE (whispered translation: EN)

fallingwild, presented by Labor k3000
A test façade, a documentary film and a public sculpture propose creative politico-architectural solutions for the complex needs of various species inhabiting the HdS.
(Venue: Test façade in front of Haus A //  Language: DE (whispered translation: EN)

21:00-21:20 audio performance: Schneider TM
a sonic portrait of Beecoin
(Venue: Haus D)
22:00-22:20 audio performance: Schneider TM
a sonic portrait of Beecoin
(Venue: Haus D)
Link to the Facebook event


Workshop Sensing Bees

Register under <[email protected]>

The artist and beekeeper collective Moabees offers a visit at the beehives who live and work at Haus der Statistik. Sensors and processors which are installed in the hives collect data showing the development and well-being of the bees, along with our human senses of sight, sound and scent. In this workshop we will take photos in the surrounding of the hives, using a bee camera and the photochemical technique of Cyanotype (blue print). The bee camera imitates the composite eye of the bee. Cyanotype uses ultra violet light (sunlight) which the bees can see, whereas it is usually invisible for the human eye.  We will also collect and use artefacts of the building and inner courtyard which had been abandoned for many years.


Limited number of participants, registration under: [email protected]

noon–3 pm. Languages: German / English

Meeting ploint: Werkstatt, Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin.

"Sensing Bees" is a workshop format by Moabees and is part of BeeCoin.
Beecoin is a collaboration between The Hiveeyes Project, Nascent, Moabees and KUNSTrePUBLIK.


STATISTA Presentation Week

With daily tours, presentations, talks and workshops

The first results of these long-term artistic working processes will be made publicly visible over the STATISTA Presentation Week from 11 – 16 September 2019. Including neighbourhood initiatives, a cryptocurrency based on the wellbeing of bees, a facade design built for ecological inclusivity, and an international conference with Campus in Camps, Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise, Chto Delat, ExRotaprint, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, MACAO, Nachbarschaftsakademie Prinzessinnengärten, Planbude, ruangrupa.

Guided tours every day at 1 pm / 3 pm / 5 pm Führungen in German and English.

Download program STATISTA Presentation Week


STATISTA Musterhaus Day

panel discussion in former bumper car

What concrete steps must political decision-makers at local and federal level take to counter global warming effectively? What forms of protest and civil disobedience are successfully bringing the issue into the public debate?
Which role does the appropriation of public space play for the movement and which legal bases are claimed?


3 pm: introduction to Musterhaus and program by openBerlin & KUNSTrePUBLIK
3:30: discussion: Climate Emergency Berlin? with Extinction Rebellion  
5:45: discussion: Who Owns Berlin? with Deutsche Wohnen enteignen
7:30: cold beer to an intriguing musical backdrop by DJ SUGABAM


all events in German, whispered translation available 


STATISTA Musterhaus extended – Music & Dance


2 pm: introduction to Musterhaus and program by openBerlin & KUNSTrePUBLIK
2:30: dance workshop with Ini Dill (dancing duos, improvised choreographies and dance track tombola) 
4:30 pm: Berlin International Cypher (Hip Hop concert, various artists with DJ Set (English, Spanish, Italian, German) 
6 pm: Tango Milonga (Electro Tango with live music in an Open Stage format)


Documentation Room

is closed today due to the Global Climate Strike


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Documentation Room

1–7 pm, with a guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Dramatische Republik in Bumper Car

Final event, information under <[email protected]>


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a free guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Dance Workshop with Ini Dill

19:00–20:00, more information at <[email protected]>


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a free guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a free guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a free guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A


Documentation Room

1 – 7 pm, with a free guided tour at 7 pm. Meeting point: Haus A



Hier entstehen Beiträge von Studierenden der Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) & Institut Kunst im Kontext – Universität der Künste Berlin. Thematischer Schwerpunkt: „Verstetigung als künstlerischer und stadtpolitischer Prozess“. Dies in Form von einem Glossar, Interviews, FAQs, (Miss-)Erfolgsszenarien u.a.m. ...

View blog



[email protected]

STATISTA press kit September 2019


STATISTA is an independent project of ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics and KW Institute for Contemporary Art and has no connection to Statista GmbH and its entrepreneurial and other activities.